Telstra еще не оказывает услуг LTE-A своим абонентам по известной причине – в мире не выпускаются мобильные абонентские устройства с поддержкой скоростей Cat.6, Cat.7 или выше. Исследования проходили на коммерческой сети LTE оператора. На нескольких базовых станциях подняли поддержку LTE-A CA. Агрегировались частоты в диапазонах b3 1800 МГц (1 несущая 20 МГц) и b7 2.5-2.7 ГГц (2 несущих 20 МГц). Для теста использовались абонентские устройства Aeroflex (в пресс-релизе заявленные как Cat.9), скорее всего это был фиксированный роутер.
В тестах была продемонстрирована скорость скачивания данных 450 Мбит/с на устройстве пользователя – новый мировой рекорд для коммерческой сети. Понятно, что пиковые скорости 450 Мбит/с достижимы только в идеальных условиях, которые были созданы в ходе теста, в любом случае сеть LTE 450 Мбит/с обеспечит более высокие средние скорости, чем сеть LTE 300 Мбит/с.
В июле 2013 года Telstra уже проводила тесты LTE-A на своей коммерческой сети, тогда также использовалось решение Ericsson, но частоты использовались другие – агрегировались b3 и b8 и скорости достигались менее 300 Мбит/с.
В мире порядка 30 операторов ведут или уже провели испытания технологии LTE-A CA. Некоторые из них запустят поддержку пиковых скоростей до 300 Мбит/с, как только смогут предложить абонентам мобильные устройства с поддержкой LTE-A Cat.6 или выше.
Я не буду оспаривать заявления маркетологов Ericsson и Telstra, но напомню, что Nokia (NSN) и Sprint в 2013 году показали 1.3 Гбит/с в тестовой сети TD-LTE, японская Softbank и Huawei в 2013 году показывали агрегацию 5 несущих с достижением скоростей 770 Мбит/с. Австралийская Optus и Huawei в декабре 2013 года демонстрировала 520 Мбит/с (агрегация четырех полос по 20 МГц в b40).
А это еще одна демонстрация - южнокорейская KT Corp.
показывает на MWC2014 агрегацию LTE+ WiFi
показывает на MWC2014 агрегацию LTE+ WiFi
Ограничение достижимых пиковых скоростей сегодня диктуется не базовыми станциями или программным обеспечением, оно связано с двумя сложными моментами. Во-первых, на рынке отсутствуют абонентские устройства Cat.6. Это проблема решится в ближайшие месяцы, поскольку чипсеты Cat.6 уже выпускаются серийно, например, компанией Qualcomm. Соответственно, летом можно ожидать появления модемов, роутеров и мобильных роутеров различных производителей, а ближе к концу 2014 года могут появиться и смартфоны Cat.6.
Вторая проблема серьезнее. Чтобы системы LTE-A CA работали на высоких скоростях, операторам придется мудрить с антенным хозяйством. Дело это затратное, как в плане капитальных, так и в плане операционных затрат. Пока проникновение терминалов LTE-A Cat.6 будет невысоким, овчинка не будет стоить выделки. Все же некоторые операторы будут оказывать поддержку скоростей 300 Мбит/с из маркетинговых соображений, как, например, EE в Лондоне или МегаФон в Москве
К 2020 году, согласно прогнозам Signal and Systems Telecom в мире примерно половина пользователей LTE будет обслуживаться в сетях LTE-A. К 2018 году ABI Research обещает, что число пользователей LTE-A составит 34% от всех пользователей LTE/LTE-A. Крупнейшим рынком LTE-A, согласно прогнозам, будет рынок США, где запуски LTE-A ожидаются в 2014 году всеми крупнейшими операторами.
На сегодняшний день в мире 7 сетей LTE-A в коммерческой эксплуатации в 5 странах.
Маркетинговые материалы по LTE для корпоративных подписчиков
Ericsson and Telstra achieve world’s first 450Mbps in commercial LTE-A network demonstration
2014-05-15, press-release via
- Telstra (Australia) and Ericsson achieved the world’s first 450Mbps speed with LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) Carrier Aggregation in Telstra’s mobile network
- 450Mbps downlink speed achieved by combining three 20MHz LTE carriers with the next evolution of LTE-enabled devices
- Ericsson’s LTE-A Carrier Aggregation delivers better app coverage, browsing and media performance across the entire network
Today, for the first time, data has been transferred in a live production network at speeds of 450Mbps. Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) and Telstra completed this demonstration to show the speeds that can be delivered using multiple LTE carriers with Ericsson’s LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation software in an advanced mobile network.
The downlink speed was achieved by utilizing 60MHz of spectrum, with a 20MHz LTE carrier in the 1800MHz band plus 2 x 20MHz LTE carriers in the 2600MHz band. The next evolution of LTE devices, known as Category 9 (supplied by Aeroflex) was used, reflecting Ericsson’s support for the advanced device ecosystem.
Mike Wright, Telstra Group Managing Director, Networks, says: "Technology demonstrations such as this are an important step on the path to network readiness. Together with Ericsson, Telstra continues its commitment to advancing mobile networks to manage the future wireless data needs of our customers.
"We demonstrated 300Mbps with Ericsson in December 2013 and only five months later we are now demonstrating 450Mbps. Take up of LTE-A enabled devices is growing and advanced technology tests like this are essential to our network development strategy to ensure we are ready and able to deliver the most reliable network speeds and experience to customers."
As LTE traffic grows, operators are looking for technologies to make the most efficient use of available spectrum – and carrier aggregation is a key technology to deploy. Additionally, the deployment of advanced networks will support business innovation and development of our networked society. Today we can see that mobile users depend more and more upon mobile broadband in everyday life. More advanced networks will support more innovation.
Thomas Norén, Head of Product Area Radio at Ericsson, says: "With the successful demonstration of LTE-A three component carrier aggregation capability in the network and continued development of devices, it is important for leading operators to ensure the network keeps pace with LTE-A developments. Ericsson’s strong technology partnership with Telstra has resulted in yet another world’s first technology achievement."
By combining three 20MHz LTE carriers, operators can provide subscribers with peak throughput speeds of up to 450Mbps, in ideal conditions.
"To ensure the best user experience, Ericsson has continually tested the interoperability of devices and applications with global chipset and device manufacturers and will continue to do so as the Carrier Aggregation ecosystem evolves," Norén says.
Ericsson is the market leader in LTE. Today, 50 percent of the world’s LTE smartphone traffic is served by Ericsson networks, which is more than double the traffic of our closest competitor. Ericsson also powers the world’s first two commercially launched LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation networks in South Korea. Ericsson has signed more than 190 commercial contracts for LTE and Evolved Packet Core in more than 70 countries on six continents, of which more than 140 networks have already gone live commercially. Ericsson is present today in all high-traffic LTE markets including the US, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Canada, and has been selected by the top 10 LTE operators as ranked by LTE subscriptions worldwide. We expect to hold 25 percent of all essential patents in LTE, both for TDD and FDD mode, and we support common hardware and software for FDD and TDD systems, giving operators maximum flexibility in their FDD and TDD deployment.
- Telstra (Australia) and Ericsson achieved the world’s first 450Mbps speed with LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) Carrier Aggregation in Telstra’s mobile network
- 450Mbps downlink speed achieved by combining three 20MHz LTE carriers with the next evolution of LTE-enabled devices
- Ericsson’s LTE-A Carrier Aggregation delivers better app coverage, browsing and media performance across the entire network
Today, for the first time, data has been transferred in a live production network at speeds of 450Mbps. Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) and Telstra completed this demonstration to show the speeds that can be delivered using multiple LTE carriers with Ericsson’s LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation software in an advanced mobile network.
The downlink speed was achieved by utilizing 60MHz of spectrum, with a 20MHz LTE carrier in the 1800MHz band plus 2 x 20MHz LTE carriers in the 2600MHz band. The next evolution of LTE devices, known as Category 9 (supplied by Aeroflex) was used, reflecting Ericsson’s support for the advanced device ecosystem.
Mike Wright, Telstra Group Managing Director, Networks, says: "Technology demonstrations such as this are an important step on the path to network readiness. Together with Ericsson, Telstra continues its commitment to advancing mobile networks to manage the future wireless data needs of our customers.
"We demonstrated 300Mbps with Ericsson in December 2013 and only five months later we are now demonstrating 450Mbps. Take up of LTE-A enabled devices is growing and advanced technology tests like this are essential to our network development strategy to ensure we are ready and able to deliver the most reliable network speeds and experience to customers."
As LTE traffic grows, operators are looking for technologies to make the most efficient use of available spectrum – and carrier aggregation is a key technology to deploy. Additionally, the deployment of advanced networks will support business innovation and development of our networked society. Today we can see that mobile users depend more and more upon mobile broadband in everyday life. More advanced networks will support more innovation.
Thomas Norén, Head of Product Area Radio at Ericsson, says: "With the successful demonstration of LTE-A three component carrier aggregation capability in the network and continued development of devices, it is important for leading operators to ensure the network keeps pace with LTE-A developments. Ericsson’s strong technology partnership with Telstra has resulted in yet another world’s first technology achievement."
By combining three 20MHz LTE carriers, operators can provide subscribers with peak throughput speeds of up to 450Mbps, in ideal conditions.
"To ensure the best user experience, Ericsson has continually tested the interoperability of devices and applications with global chipset and device manufacturers and will continue to do so as the Carrier Aggregation ecosystem evolves," Norén says.
Ericsson is the market leader in LTE. Today, 50 percent of the world’s LTE smartphone traffic is served by Ericsson networks, which is more than double the traffic of our closest competitor. Ericsson also powers the world’s first two commercially launched LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation networks in South Korea. Ericsson has signed more than 190 commercial contracts for LTE and Evolved Packet Core in more than 70 countries on six continents, of which more than 140 networks have already gone live commercially. Ericsson is present today in all high-traffic LTE markets including the US, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Canada, and has been selected by the top 10 LTE operators as ranked by LTE subscriptions worldwide. We expect to hold 25 percent of all essential patents in LTE, both for TDD and FDD mode, and we support common hardware and software for FDD and TDD systems, giving operators maximum flexibility in their FDD and TDD deployment.
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