
Nokia выиграла контракт на поставку 5G RAN на домашнем рынке

Покупателем решения 5G RAN у Nokia выступит совместное предприятие со скучным и прямолинейным названием Shared Network Ltd (SYV) в рамках которого создают сеть 5G финские операторы DNA Oyj и Telia Finland Oyi.

Сделка подразумевает замену оборудования (2G, 3G, 4G) на радиосети SYV на решения Nokia (Huawei, давай, до свидания? Помнится в 2016 году разворачивали китайские AAU на севере Финляндии)  и развертывание решения 5G RAN Nokia. Тем самым, Nokia собрала контракты практически всех операторов Финляндии, включая Elisa (второй поставщик - Ericsson), что не удивляет, так как речь все же идет о домашнем рынке компании.

Развертывание сети стартует в начале 2021 года и рассчитано на период до конца 2023 года. Зона действия контракта - север и восток Финляндии, с охватом покрытием более 50% территории. Nokia обеспечит не только развертывание сети, но также полевое обслуживание, мониторинг сети и внедрение услуг, - вводится практически полный аутсорс. Апгрейду подвергнутся OSS и другие системы, IP-транспорт, в общем,  сети и бизнесу SYV предстоит серьезная "революция".  

Строить 5G в Финляндии - одно удовольствие. Из проблем - много озер. Зато по части частот... Прежде, чем читать далее, уберите несовершеннолетних российских операторов от экранов. У Telia есть 130 МГц в диапазоне 3.5 ГГц и 800 МГц в диапазоне 25.9-26.7 ГГц; у DNA свои 800 МГц в диапазон 26.7-27.5 ГГц и свои более сотни МГц в 3.5 ГГц. Можно построить действительно офигенный 5G, "на зло надменному соседу" и собственной пользы для. Посмотрим, что получится, но, скорее всего, получится неплохо. 


пресс-релиз Nokia

Nokia wins 5G deal with Finnish Shared Network (SYV)
  • Nokia has been selected as a supplier for SYV’s radio access network (RAN) equipment and managed services
  • The deal includes the rollout of 5G RAN equipment and modernization of existing 2G, 3G and 4G sites across northern and eastern Finland
  • Three-year rollout will begin in early 2021 and is planned to be completed by the end of 2023.
26 October 2020

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced it has been selected by Finnish Shared Network Ltd (SYV) – a joint operation by DNA Oyj and Telia Finland Oyj – as a supplier of 5G radio network equipment including deployment and managed services. The modernized network will enable SYV to provide advanced 5G services in a cost-efficient manner across northern and eastern parts of Finland.

The deal will see Nokia replace SYV’s current radio access network equipment, offer digital deployment for faster time to market, and comprehensive managed services over the course of the three-year rollout. The overhaul is primarily driven by 5G deployment and will enable SYV to future-proof its infrastructure for the next generation of digital services, whilst improving current 2G, 3G and 4G capabilities across the sites. Nokia will be the provider responsible for the network infrastructure upgrade, providing field maintenance, network monitoring and implementation services in over 50 percent of the country area across eastern and northern Finland. The deployment of this entirely new infrastructure will begin in early 2021 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2023.

The network modernization project will involve upgrading RAN equipment across the existing 2G, 3G, and 4G networks as well as the deployment of the new 5G network. This includes all existing base stations, base station controllers, radio network controller and IP transport for the connection to the core infrastructures of DNA Oyj and Telia Finland Oyj. Operations Support Systems and reporting systems will also be upgraded. Nokia will be responsible for deploying and managing the new network, supporting a range of business models and operating capabilities that will enable SYV to optimize the cost of operations whilst improving service and network performance.

Antti Jokinen, CEO of SYV, said: “When evaluating potential long-term partners to help us modernize our network infrastructure, we chose Nokia for its expertise in the market as well as the comprehensive set of sustainable and secure solutions it offers. Aside from the radio and IP connectivity equipment we needed as part of our 5G network deployment, Nokia’s wide range of managed services and impeccable global reputation meant it stood out as a reliable vendor to help us future proof our infrastructure investment. We look forward to cooperating with the Nokia team to provide 5G-enabled services in the very near future in an efficient manner.”
Tommi Uitto, President, Mobile Networks, Nokia, stated: “We take great pride in being selected as the trusted partner to modernize SYV’s network infrastructure and pave the way to a 5G-enabled future for its customers. Our product and service portfolio is ideal for organizations aiming to capitalize on the latest technology trends. We look forward to working closely with SYV to help them bring DNA’s and Telia’s end customers the best 5G coverage and services across northern and eastern parts of Finland.”

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